Thursday, July 17, 2008

A final post

I have decided to end this blog.

Initially it was my intent to offer a different perspective at this site, and to provide a forum for alternative points of view around educational issues in the Lebanon Community School District. I'd had hopes the LT crowd might be open to considering possibilities beyond the legalistic debate-team type analysis and conclusions drawn on that site, and on the RW site to a lesser extent. I felt it was time online readers knew that not everyone agrees with their spin on issues.

I have seriously considered letting go of this blog several times since starting it impulsively some months ago, due to time commitments in the multiple rewarding domains of my life, but it seemed important to have a different point of view regarding district issues represented in cyberworld. And some of you urged me to continue to voice my views here.

Most recently I considered ending the blog after reading the text of Kim Fandinos' farewell statement to the school board as she resigned from her role as president of the Lebanon teacher's union. Ms. Fandino noted the negative role blogs played in her work as union president. I gave that serious thought...wondering if my own energy here contributed to even more discussion and rhetoric for rhetoric's sake: Discourse with no positive result leaving waters even more choppy than before. Was that something I wanted to be part of?

Since few positives have come from hosting this blog site, and it seems to me to just feed the conflict, I will let it go. When I put energy into something and see few positive outcomes, it is time to re-direct that energy into something different. There are many positive possibilities in my life: I will leave the snake pit of local schools controversy and focus elsewhere.

To those of you who have urged me to blog more often and stated you appreciated my perspectives, thanks. But for me it's now time for other things.


Anonymous said...

I think your views match the majority in the area, but the whole thing sucks a lot of life out of ya. Good luck with all. I'll leave your blog in my "favorites" anyway!

Anonymous said...

Good Riddance!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your views. I shared many of them with you. I am a district employee. Sorry to see you go, but your family is more important than using energy discussing the muck and mire that Lebanon is in. The energy it takes to write a blog like this must be enormous. Unfortunately, we still have Dennis and LT in the cyperworld...two single people that have too much time on their hands. They will both be discussing you on their blogs for awhile, mainly because you are bidding us farewell and they feel they have to get the last word in. God bless you and your family. Enjoy your life and may it be blessed with peace.

Anonymous said...

Even though I disagree with everything you said and write about I still read your blog now and then. I pull my hair most times reading your comments, so I have to resort to having a glass or two of wine to calm me down before reading. I have to say I have come to enjoy that glass of wine over time. (One glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away) So during this period of time, I have become health and have no need to see the doctor, except my hair which is another story. So now you have decided to end your BLOG, I guess the glass of wine will be put away, my hair will start to grow again and maybe it is time to call the doctor to make an appointment.
So who am I going to argue with now? My lap top will be happy indeed. No more slamming it shut after reading your posts or an occasion spilling of the wine on the keyboard after reading an outrageous comment.
Well enough said. You will not be missed and also be missed. I am sure you are a nice person just misinform.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has been drinking more than one or two glasses of wine.....I enjoyed your comments. Hope someone picks up the torch.