Thursday, July 17, 2008

A final post

I have decided to end this blog.

Initially it was my intent to offer a different perspective at this site, and to provide a forum for alternative points of view around educational issues in the Lebanon Community School District. I'd had hopes the LT crowd might be open to considering possibilities beyond the legalistic debate-team type analysis and conclusions drawn on that site, and on the RW site to a lesser extent. I felt it was time online readers knew that not everyone agrees with their spin on issues.

I have seriously considered letting go of this blog several times since starting it impulsively some months ago, due to time commitments in the multiple rewarding domains of my life, but it seemed important to have a different point of view regarding district issues represented in cyberworld. And some of you urged me to continue to voice my views here.

Most recently I considered ending the blog after reading the text of Kim Fandinos' farewell statement to the school board as she resigned from her role as president of the Lebanon teacher's union. Ms. Fandino noted the negative role blogs played in her work as union president. I gave that serious thought...wondering if my own energy here contributed to even more discussion and rhetoric for rhetoric's sake: Discourse with no positive result leaving waters even more choppy than before. Was that something I wanted to be part of?

Since few positives have come from hosting this blog site, and it seems to me to just feed the conflict, I will let it go. When I put energy into something and see few positive outcomes, it is time to re-direct that energy into something different. There are many positive possibilities in my life: I will leave the snake pit of local schools controversy and focus elsewhere.

To those of you who have urged me to blog more often and stated you appreciated my perspectives, thanks. But for me it's now time for other things.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Little hope for "reconciliation"

At this point, after a back and forth with LT and others over on that blog, I am wondering if there is any hope for "reconciliation" among factions in this district.

I certainly do not feel that MY views have been sincerely even heard, let alone considered, by that faction. It feels to me like they take a "my way or the highway" approach, but of course, that is looking at it from my perspective.

One MORE time -- if Robinson really has changed...great. But it will take significant time for many of us to believe it. We will have to see repeated examples of a compassionate and respectful administrator. I don't think we have that time.

One MORE time -- I don't agree with everything Rick does (however, I would trust Rick to manage my children's education more than I would LT because I think we need more than legal-type analysis to guide decisions).

One MORE time -- There are many problems in this district that DO pre-date Robinson, but he has rubbed so many people the wrong way so strongly, that he needs to move on before there is any hope of people in this district coming together.

Given that there is this vocal anti-Rick and pro-Robinson faction in the community, we are more divided than ever.

You know, if I showed up regularly at board meetings, LT and I would still disagree: We see things through a different mental filter. LT and supporters would just come up with another reason not to be open-minded.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

After the buyout

If we are going to buy Robinson out, I hope it's more a severance package that is significantly less costly than three years of his salary plus benefits. I would prefer Robinson just resign, knowing it is time to give someone else a chance to lead educational efforts in this community. But a buy-out may be our only option.

When we have a new superintendent who brings in fresh air from outside the Lebanon system, we can slowly begin the process of healing and coming together. I am hopeful a new superintendent would facilitate multiple public forums in multiple locations around the district, to gather community ideas and opinions about how to better communicate with parents and unite us behind the goal of better educating our youth. This person would host similar gathering for district teachers. This would be a start.

There is much history of intense, bitter disagreement about what is best for Lebanon's schools, and of disrespect between the factions. I am hoping for someone with the skills and patience to allow us all to grieve our losses with respect and compassion, and fall into line behind a common goal of improving education for Lebanon.

This is no easy or quick task. It will take a talented superintendent at the helm with a track record of success elsewhere, and a lot of patience.