Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just for fun -- from the Moody list of questions stolen from the RW site

Your coma: Unplug, or keep on pluggin’? : Unplug if three medical experts think I won't come out of it at least half mentally-home. Otherwise, wait and see..

Superstition you can’t shake: Knock on wood.

Last person you yelled at: My youngest kid.

Duty at work you hate: Anything involving paper.

Invention the world would be better off without: Bombs

Actor/actress you’d trade your partner for: None. We've been together a long time. I mean who really wants to LIVE with a movie star?

Selling price for your kids: Depends on the day, but generally, they aren't for sale.

One thing your mom would faint if she knew about: Too many to list.

Sound of the little voice in your head: Sometimes nagging, sometime cheerleading, sometimes critical, sometimes satisfied.

What you do when the Jehovah’s Witnesses knock: Aggressively ask if they can read the 'No Trespassing' signs, and shut the door!

Web sites you visit instead of working: Yahoo! news, email group lists, LT and RW, sometime the DH

Tylenol or Ibuprofen? : Ibuprofen

Oldest thing in your fridge: I can only name one?

First thing you’d do if made dictator for life: Dictator of the world? the country? ummm. Ban waring weapons would be first, but I gotta long list of things I'd do.

Burial or cremation?: Burial without embalming or concrete, so I can fertilize a tree.

Worst vacation ever: The one where the vehicle repeatedly died -- stranding us in barren, hot, distant places where people weren't friendly or helpful.

Speed you’d drive if you knew you wouldn’t be ticketed: It all depends on mood and situation, but not over 80. Sometimes 40.

Best hangover cure: Time passing.

Sex on the first date? : Absolutely not.

Thing you say that makes you sound like your folks when you swore you never would: To my kids: "Because I said so!"

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