Thursday, December 13, 2007

Role of the School Board

In my opinion the role of school board members is to hire an effective superintendent, then basically let her/him run the show. Board members set policy, and provide leadership and direction. The Oregon School Board's Association may have additional or different thoughts on this, but they don't need to inform my thinking as I don't hold them in particularly high esteem.

It is my belief that when Lebanon hires a top-notch superintendent, one Rick, Josh and Debi respect and who respects them, they will be relieved to collaborate and hand over any reins they are holding.

I disagree with those who argue no quality administrators will take the job, given the publicity about our school board over this last year. Lebanon is a lovely community: We all chose to live here, didn't we? And we truly won't know what the applicant pool looks like until we begin recruiting. I have faith good, qualified people will apply. After all, we have many quality teachers in this district despite it's reputation, though I am sure some have left due to the difficult school district atmosphere.

I am sure Rick, Josh and Debi have better things to do than micromanage this district, which I doubt they are actually doing to the extent some claim. However, being elected to a school board and then repeatedly hearing complaints from citizens about roadblocks parents face dealing with certain administrators, and then being disrespected themselves by these same administrators, might lead a board member to investigate and initiate change. This might indeed lead board members to work for change at the top.


Anonymous said...

You must be joking.. Rick, Josh and Debi have never attended any training on boardmanship. Rick thinks the board is to run the school.. These three as far as we know had never ever try to read board policies or attend any work shop. It is a joke when people are elected to be board expected to know their roles except they do not want to know. You are blinded by your own bias. Its like hiring a electricial to program a computer with out having any training.
We should take our blinders off and stop riding on Ricks bandwagon.


IE said...

I am not sure one needs to attend a "boardsmanship" training to know how to be a board member. It's my belief the School Board Association teaches lapdogsmanship vs. watchdogsmanship. Which to you want to shepard your tax dollars and children's education?

Anonymous said...

Just watching how the three members you site act on the board shows a lack of understanding about how school boards should be run. They have no clue as to the laws, not rules, but laws as to their actions. They do need to learn their job, not use the position as a power play to get their way. A board that runs amok like ours gets into legal trouble. This has already happened here and continues to this day. This costs not only money, but precious efforts that could be used to help the students. Thankfully, Sherri Springer has been their to rein in these others. I just wish they would all just drop their pet issues and return to what a school board should be, a place where people view the future challenges and work together to address them.